Monday, May 7, 2012

5K Etouffee

(Heading to the race!)
Well Max and I ran in our 2nd ever 5K this Sunday. The second best thing to come out of the race (besides the fact that Max and I both set new PRs) is that I can now spell Etouffee. 

We planned on waking up at 6:30a and biking 5 miles to Audubon Park, where the race was held... Well hold on to your hats and glasses because THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. Instead we just hopped in a cab and saved our legs for the 'race' thingamajig. (Fun fact, Spellcheck is totally fine with the way I spell thingamajig!) 

It was a great morning to race, as see here:
(Shoes tied? Check!)
(Lots of kids at this race.)

Max and I took pics of each other before the race started, but Max's photo had a weird shadow where his... crouch is so it has been redacted. Here's mine: 

We lined up for the race and got treated to the best/worst version of our National Anthem ever. The chick just started wrong and it kept getting worse. There were more than a few chuckles from the crowd.  It was awesome. 
(Our view of the starting line.)

Max and I started off together, but he broke away after the first mile and finished at 28:28, which was good enough to earn him 93rd in the men's division. Pretty awesome! I came in at a blistering (not literally) 33:20 which earned me the 75th place in the women's division. (There were 169 women and 177 men running the race.)

After the race, I felt weak but not as weak as I did after the 5K last week. The weirdest part was after the race my hands and fingers swelled up so much my ring was hurting me! I'm not worried, though.

(Victorious Max claims tree as sofa!)

(Victorious Val claims T-shirt as medal!)

We ended up walking 2.5 miles back towards our place before we couldn't take it anymore and called a cab. I was then in and out of consciousness for the rest of the day. I'm not sure why running 2 miles before work feels awesome, but running 3.1 miles on Sunday AM feels like I just worked in the coal mines... but it sure zapped my energy to do everything except eat 1,000,000,00 bowls of Red Berries. 

We had a blast, wished Lucy was with us, and decided we should run another one again ASAP! 

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